Tag Archives: firstperson

The Amerwold Inheritance game

The Amerwold Inheritance

Welcome on the homepage of the Windows ™ single room adventure game The Amerwold Inheritance. After the events in Amerwold Woods one of the brothers inherited the big house of the other brother. His brother was autistic but also a brilliant programmer and he earned a lot of money with his software. He bought this big house, far away of the busy world and together with some friends he turned the attic into a big escape room. You are exploring the house and find yourself trapped om the second floor at the stairs to the attic. It seems that the only wat to get out again is solving alle the puzzles that are spread around the several rooms of the attic.

The game contains a lot of puzzles of all types and all puzzles could work in real life. The attic is also the workshop that he used to create all the puzzles. There is no special knowledge needed, alle the knowledge you will need to solve the puzzles is available in the game. It will take several hours to solve all the puzzles and the progress is automatically stored every time you leave  the game. The puzzles are not extremely hard but also not too easy. Puzzles require logic thinking and for some puzzles you will have to collect clues.

Amerwold Inher01


As there is almost no money to be earned as game developer, I stopped programming games and concentrate on other progams and tools that do make some money. As of now all games are free to download.


Amerwold woods

This game is a sequel to the Windows ™ first person walking simulator game Amerwold woods. This game is a walking simulator, an exploration game that tells an interactive story to the player. In this game you can freely move around the whole game, even go through bushes, walk beside the paths, the whole wood is accessible beside some areas that are clearly bordered with fences or bushes too thick to walk through. The idea is that you get to know the main character and try to understand what has happened. The story leans heavily on the fact that the main character is an autistic young man. I really hope that you will enjoy this game, I have been working on this game for almost two years.


Bon Vivant


Welcome on the homepage of the Windows ™ first person 3D adventuregame Bon Vivant – the tale of a mysterious guesthouse. This is the first big game I wrote using the Unity game engine. The current release is 2.21, in the second release all the Dutch translations were gone and voiceover was added and in the third upgrade the graphics were improved and some extra puzzles have been added. The storyline is still the same, I hope you enjoy this game, the puzzles are not that hard (although there is one that is more complex) and the exploring of the big house is fun. Regards, Hein Pragt.

Bon Vivant point and click 3D adventuregame


This free walking point and click 3D adventuregame takes place in an abandoned and boarded-up guest house in a forest somewhere in the middle of the Netherlands. Ten years ago a drama took place in the guest house and since then it has been abandoned and boarded up. In the nearby village it is said that mysterious things still happen around the old guest house and children are told that they absolutely can not go there. You wanted to examine the story on your holiday trip but your partner did not want you to go. Now a year later you lost your job, your partner and as a rebellious act you are planning to investigate the mysterious guest house to discover what has happened.

You have to solve obstacles that you encounter in this guest house and gradually you learn more and more about the eccentric old residents, their relationships and problems and the dramatic event that happened ten years ago. One of the features of the game is that all the puzzles and problems you have to solve are really possible, the game tries to be realistic in everything and not to break the atmosphere and zeitgeist.

The game is a first person adventuregame, which means that you look through the eyes of the player. In the game you have a flashlight in the left hand and the possibility to carry one large object in your right hand. So when you take a new large object, the old object will fall and remain there. You can bring several small items in your backpack, this makes the game realistic to play. The game has voice over and has background sounds and sounds that objects make within the game. The game can be played in semi-random order, but in order to be able to continue on certain points, you must have done a number of things. An attempt has been made to make the illusion that you are really walking around as realistic as possible. The game does not have a hint system, you sometimes get an indication as if it was an idea that occurred in your own thoughts.


As there is almost no money to be earned as game developer, I stopped programming games and concentrate on other progams and tools that do make some money. As of now all games are free to download.

Download: https://heinpragt.itch.io/bon-vivant

Bonvivant01 1
Bonvivant02 1


Download: https://heinpragt.itch.io/bon-vivant

Amerwold woods game

Amerwold Logo

Welcome on the homepage of the Windows ™ first person adventure game / walking simulator game Amerwold woods. A walking simulator is usually an exploration game that tells an interactive story to the player and in some way it is also an adventure game. In this game you can freely move around the whole game, even go trough bushes, walk beside the paths, the whole huge wood is accessible beside some areas that are clearly bordered with fences or bushes too thick to walk through. There is also not a straight line for the story, the order of all the fragments is determined by the way the player walks through the woods. Only some scenes are scripted, like the end scene but the idea is that you get to know the main character and try to understand what has happened. The story of this game leans heavily on the fact that the main character is an autistic young man. I really hope that you will enjoy this game, I have been working on this game for almost two years. Regards, Hein Pragt.

Download: https://heinpragt.itch.io/amerwold-woods

The main character of this adventure game / walking simulator is an autistic young man that returns to the woods where his parents had a cabin and where he spent his entire youth with his brother, father and mother during weekends and holidays. In the beginning it seems that he is back in the woods to escape the world around him, the world that is not so friendly to autistic people. As he walks through the woods old memories appear but also recent memories come to mind. There is also a raven that seems to be following him, he does not quite understand why, but in the end it all becomes clear. The player guides the young man trough the woods and also tries to understand the stories.

The forest in this adventure game is very large with a lot of areas and a lot of small lakes and small rivers and the player must travel all the paths and roads. It is possible to run, but then you will probably not enjoy the beautiful landscapes. There is a lake with and island, a secret set of caves, animated animals and sounds that matches the surroundings. The only thing the player has to do, is to memories the paths and roads and navigate the main character through the woods while listening to different parts of the story or the thoughts of the young man. In some cases the player needs to click on items to activate them, but that is minimal. The game also has a few abandoned buildings to explore, that all played a role in the life of the main character.

This adventure game is also about autism, I am a little autistic myself but as I have High-Functioning Autism it is not so clear to everyone. It was not clear to me also for a long time. A lot of my own experiences can be found in the stories of the main character, but in a different way, everyone with autism is unique and there is not one clear definition of autism. But in this case it fits well in the story and I hop that the player will be helpful and understanding towards the main character of this game. People with autism might understand the main character of thjis game better and share some of his experiences.

The game is developed in the Unity game engine with a lot of C# code, it took me about two years to develop and the idea of the game changed with the knowledge I gained on game development and knowledge of the Unity game engine. The game is completely in the English language and all the voices are generated by Speechelo. The game also has subtitles that cannot be turned off. The music is taken from an old piano concert and changed into loops using Audacity. The game as a Windows installer that is digitally signed and also the game executable is digitally signed for the security of the customer. The game menu has a lot of settings for screen quality, sound and game control and the game can be played fullscreen but also inside a window. I prefer full screen because it get you fully into the game.

Download page

As there is almost no money to be earned as game developer, I stopped programming games and concentrate on other progams and tools that do make some money. As of now all games are free to download.

Download: https://heinpragt.itch.io/amerwold-woods

New games

I am currently not working on any new game, the time, money and effort that I have spend on my previous games has resulted in almost no earning, I also write other software that does make some money, so I will spend my time on that.