Hein Pragt Software

I have been a software developer since the 70ties and in 2018 I started my own company beside my daytime job, to deploy my applications. On this website you can find an overview of my software applications, instructions and documentation and links to secure download or buy my applications. Some applications are dilivered trough my webshop www.heinpragt.nl.

Products catalog

About HeinPragt-Software

I have been a software developer since 1977 and I was one of the home computer developers in the early beginning of personal computing. I started as an embedded programmer and hardware designer and I worked on many innovations in computer industry in datacommunication and Internet. I also worked on the first GSM data implementations. My main programming languages were assembler, C and C++ at that time. I also developed some games at that time. In 1999 I completely switched to Internet programming in Perl and PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript and after a while to C# DotNet. When Android apps were hot, I also developed some Android apps, but my main interest is Windows applications. Currently I develop my applications and games in the Unity game engine, C#, C++ and C, and my web apps in HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.

In 2018 I started my own company beside my daytime job, to create and sell my applications. On this website you can find an overview of my applications, instructions and documentation and links to download or buy my applications. Most of these (utility) programs were developed out of my own needs, mostly because something was not available at that time, or I was not satisfied with the current solutions available. A lot of these programs are Freeware, you can download them from this website. I like portable programs that do not need am installer, but sometimes an installer is needed. I will keep things as clean as possible and never leave files behind. These programs are written in C, C++ or C# and all executables are digitally signed with my company certificate for your safety. Kind regards Hein Pragt.

Game development

I’ve been programming games since my first home computer in 1980, first in basic, then assembler and later in ‘C’. I also need it for the PC written games and adventure games were my preference. A well-known program of my hand is the adventure interpreter of Schoot Adams has been released on a CD in the USA. In recent years I have been programming in Unity with C# as programming language. I play myself and still like adventure games and I also make them myself. Read more about this on the Game Design pages.

Retro computing webshop

Heinpragt.nl is a daughter site of this website and a webshop focused on retro computer parts, retro electronics components and chips and other articles that have a connection with old retro computers. It is a small webshop that I run myself and I also try to get some more information about retro computers and electronics. Shipments are only made to countries within the European Union.
Link: Retro computing parts webshop

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